Mentorship Opportunities
The Karen Kleiman Training Center
Holding Intensive
The Holding Intensive is an elite virtual roundtable discussion facilitated by Karen Kleiman, offered to PPSC expert clinicians who have completed the PPSC 10 or 12-hr professional training program. Our objective is to encourage an in-depth exploration of The Holding Approach to the treatment of perinatal distress and the application of these principles in clinical practice. While unstructured in nature, our overarching objective is to further understand and operationalize the perinatal therapist’s use of holding principles so we can refine the intervention, reduce the burden of clients’ suffering, facilitate a strong therapist-client rapport, and improve clinical outcomes.
This is a virtual group, drop-in group for graduates of our 10 or 12 hr advanced training.
Sample topics include:
Case presentations/consultation
Personal and professional reflections
Areas of vulnerability and competence
Barriers to holding / Hard to hold
Sitting with suffering: Balancing hers and ours
The use of self in therapy
Ongoing assessment of best practices in extraordinary times
Prerequisite: Completion of 10-hr or 12-hr PPSC Professional Advanced Training
Required Reading: The Art of Holding in Therapy by Karen Kleiman
Group Facilitated by Karen Kleiman, with Ashlee Adams
Where: Virtual via ZOOM
When: Wednesday 11am- 12pm EST Meets First and Third Wednesday of each month
Cost: $50 per group
Questions? Email Us at training@postpartumstress.com.
Mentoring Partnership Program
The philosophy behind this program:
Therapists who treat families struggling with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders have unique challenges and rewards. This specialized work requires great attention to the particular needs of this population as well as attention to its impact on the clinician. Although there are more and more training opportunities and books that can help guide a clinician through this process, clinicians have let us know that they need more. The nature of our work with the perinatal population is intensely personal and intimate, often raising issues that touch closely to home. Transference and counter-transference issue abound, sometimes enhancing the work, other times, complicating it.
The PPSC mentoring program will help the clinician sort out some of these issues and determine how to use this information to better serve the client as well as increase self-awareness. This becomes particularly relevant for clinicians who have experienced depression in their own lives, which may make them feel better suited to help yet intensely vulnerable at the same time. Having a safe place to explore these feelings within the context of strengthening their clinical skills creates an environment that is both academically enlightening and invaluable on a personal level. The Mentoring Partnership Program successfully integrates the benefits of a therapeutic relationship with consultation from one of the leading experts in this field of study. Our mentoring program is heavily influenced by The Art of Holding Perinatal Women in Distress™ model of intervention.
Please note that candidates will be accepted and mentored by Karen Kleiman, LCSW.
Educational Objectives:
Develop and refine professional skills
Advance clinical awareness and understanding of self
Explore areas of vulnerability and strength
Confront risk-taking opportunities and potential barriers
Use personal life experiences to enhance self-awareness and examine the impact on clinical work
Identify areas for personal growth and development
Assess readiness and gain confidence
Mentor will provide:
Prerequisite: completion of PPSC 10hr or 12 hr post graduate training program
Informal structure will be driven by the needs of the clinician. Clinician will be responsible for the number and frequency of meetings.
We prefer that you email Karen prior to your appointed meeting with your agenda for that day or an outline of topics/cases you would like to discuss.
Fee for mentoring session is $350.00 per 45 mins meeting.
Payment can be made through this PPSC paypal link
Mentoring candidates:
Due to limited availability we require applicants first attend our 10hr or 12hr post graduate professional training program.
Clinicians who are starting out in practice and those who have established practices may apply, if they have taken our training
Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Once your application has been reviewed, you will be contacted regarding your acceptance status.
Please read, sign, and send the signed Mentoring Agreement to training@postpartumstress.com prior to first meeting.